Touhou 12.8: Great Fairy Wars/Scoring Guides/Normal C2/Stage 3 Boss

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Resources[edit | edit source]

The freeze execution during this boss fight is very impactful for the required resources you need. You also need to monitor your resources frequently during this fight as most of the suicides happen during this fight (7 suicides) and you need to make sure to have 1000% Motivation when finishing the fight. Depending on whether you're one or more lives behind due to survival mistakes (before and during this fight), you will have to be skipping suicides. The general order to skip suicides on (provided you need to at any given moment) are: 1 suicide on Non 1 > 1 suicide on Non 4 > 1 or 2 suicides on Spell 3 > 1 or 2 suicides on Non 3 > 1 suicide on Non 2

The preferred minimum resources to enter the Sunny Milk final boss fight with are 950% Motivation and 140% PF. The table below displays what more or less the target Motivation and PF should be entering each pattern:

Pattern Non 1 Spell 1 Non 2 Spell 2 Non 3 Spell 3 Non 4 Spell 4 Spell 5
Motivation 950% 915%* 965% 960%* 985% 855% 745% 730% 780%
PF 140% 35%* 45% 230%* 270% 100% 300% 180% 240%

*These aren't percentages to strictly follow, as these patterns can be ended early for a higher Spell Card Bonus if you have the required Motivation and PF to start the next pattern with, otherwise you can stall the pattern to increase your Motivation and PF.

Nonspell 1[edit | edit source]

When not diverging from the intended route, this nonspell will have 2 suicides, 2 bombs, 3 non-damaging freezes and 6 full DMG freezes to the main fairy. With unfavorable positioning during the bombs, these bombs can be moved further ahead but shouldn't be delayed by much.

Shoot Luna while avoiding having omnidirectional shots hit Sunny. Charge and release your ice soon after Sunny starts firing bullets. When starting the first freeze, ideally you have 0% Ice Power so it's easier to not do ice damage to Sunny. If you have alot more Ice Power, execute the freeze sooner.

Keep shooting Luna after the first freeze and the next freeze is set up like the previous, except this one will damage Sunny. This freeze should be released relatively early so the freeze explodes before Star's lasers can shatter the ice.

The next freeze should kill Luna with your ice, as this gives 160,000 points worth of Frozen Items (same with Star). If Sunny is positioned far to the right before this freeze, try placing this freeze higher up or else your freeze will (poorly) connect with Luna. If Luna's HP is relatively low before setting up the freeze, prioritize shooting Luna from the side (left side).

Right before the previous freeze explodes, you should be somewhat high on the screen and then dash right. This lets you macro Star's lasers and quickly start shooting her. Ideally you spend a brief amount of time pointblank shooting your shots (so the omnidirectional shots hit) in order to ensure the Star-killing freeze kills her. The next freeze is executed like the first freeze, meaning it should be non-damaging to Sunny.

The next freeze should be executed like the Luna-killing freeze. If Sunny is far left on the screen before this freeze, attempt to release this freeze high on the screen. As the freeze explodes, you can shoot Star as she runs away to gain a small amount of Ice Power and Motivation.

The next freeze should be non-damaging. If you have Ice Power in the 50s/60s, release this freeze relatively low on the screen (a bit more than half the screen's distance away from Sunny) to avoid having the freeze damaging Sunny.

If Sunny isn't close to the side or corners of the screen, use a bomb. This bomb should be timed right as the second half of the charge sound starts. After releasing the bomb, pointblank the first few rings while staying above Sunny to only delete bullets that otherwise end up offscreen. The bombs in this nonspell can earn up to 77% (632,000 points).

The next freeze uses a full DMG freeze setup, where you sit roughly half a screen away from Sunny and releasing the freeze just after the first ring passes you. Ideally you initially freeze 3 or 4 of the outer ring with Cirno's released ice chunk. This optimizes the freeze slightly. These freezes can reach up to 30%, but this is very difficult to do and isn't required. After doing this freeze, suicide by ramming Sunny.

After suiciding, execute the same freeze as the last, except place this freeze slightly lower and release it early so that you can dash up through the bullets while you still have invincibility frames in order to quickly reach 100% Ice Power.

The next freeze is a normal full DMG freeze as described two paragraphs up.

The next freeze after that is also the same full DMG freeze. This would be the last full DMG freeze. You can be sure that Sunny will survive this freeze if her HP bar has 1/4 of the full bar or more (including Spell Card HP) remaining. If she has less HP remaining, this freeze should be timed a bit later so that the freeze does less damage.

With however much HP Sunny has left, you now release your last bomb, regardless of where Sunny is positioned. Due to Motivation gain mechanics in this game, if you do a full damage freeze on a pattern while they still have another pattern left to fire in the same health bar, they will still grant you the full amount of Motivation gain (9%). If the final freeze was done on a pattern that fully depletes their current full health bar (such as the next Spell Card), you would only gain 2-3% Motivation. Try to capitalize on this small optimization.

Light Sign "Hyper Inflection"[edit | edit source]

Start on the left side of the screen to shoot Star. Stream Luna's fireballs downwards to keep shooting Star. Both side-fairies will switch sides about every 4 seconds. Follow Star as she switches sides, after which her health bar should deplete soon after.

After Star has left the screen, stop shooting and release a freeze to freeze some bullets so the frozen bullets do ice damage to Luna as she switches back to the right.

Shoot Luna and switch sides once Luna does so as well, after which her health bar should be depleted soon after. Be careful about your damage to Luna however. Due to the small damaging freeze you do, you might end up killing Luna before or during her switching sides. When this happens, this can cause you to get rammed by Luna when doing your position setup going into the next nonspell, as where the sidefairies reappear is based on where they were killed during the first spell. You can alternatively sacrifice the Motivation gain from the small freeze by skipping it altogether.

When only Sunny is left alive, there's two things you can do. When your Motivation and PF is less than 965% and 45% respectively by the time you would end the spell, you can instead sideshoot Sunny and do freezes (preferably with Sunny's aura disabled) to gain extra Motivation and PF. You can also do this to play more safely. If your PF is over 965% and 45% respectively, you can instead speedkill Sunny.

With both solo Sunny approaches, this spell must be ended with a damaging freeze for the Frozen Items, but also to do an important safespot setup for the next nonspell. For this setup, you release a 100% Ice Power freeze in front of Sunny. Follow by dashing upwards around the height of the Motivation percentage. The video demonstration dashes towards the right side, but if Luna was accidentally killed early, doing this setup from the left side would make it less likely for you to get rammed by the sidefairy.

Nonspell 2[edit | edit source]

As the sidefairies get into position and get in your way, move to the side towards Sunny's head to safespot her rings as displayed in the below image. The yellow area is the safe height, the light-green is part of the safespot but provides less optimal freezes, the more green area is part of the safespot and provides the optimal freezes. Time the freeze about half a second after the top bullets start going offscreen. The optimal timing is very tight and this timing together with bullet RNG can vary the freeze size considerably. This safespot freeze can be up to 68% (488,000 points).

After releasing this freeze, move back down to start sideshooting Star but with one or two more layers of your shots to do damage and gain 100% Ice Power. Then release a freeze as Sunny's red waves get close. The horizontal placement of this freeze isn't strict as the horizontal spread (left and/or right) of the ice is dependant on bullet RNG that can't be strategized around.

After this freeze, sideshoot Luna in the same manner as Star and release the same type of freeze.

For the next freeze, you should stay in the middle to damage all three fairies at once to keep HP between the two sidefairies roughly equal. Only shoot as much as is needed to reach 100% Ice Power. Release this freeze early (focus your freeze on the last layer of rings from the sidefairies), then dash forward to suicide on Sunny's bullets.

After the suicide, move to the very top of the screen to then time a freeze in the same manner as the first safespot freeze. This freeze however can reach up to 72% (552,000 points).

Move back down below the three fairies and do the shot execution done two paragraphs up. Release this freeze with the non-suicide timing. Then move up past either sidefairy to quickly move back into Sunny's safespot. Then the remaining three freezes will do the same safespot freeze execution done like the first safespot freeze. Between each freeze you can move to the side since you have to shoot to start recharging your freeze, which presents you from doing alot of shot damage to Sunny if your safespot positioning was too low. When moving to the side, you can also use this to adjust your vertical positioning by tapping up briefly while moving back to Sunny (diagonal movement moves you up less = more precise adjustment). These last three freezes can go up to 59% (350,000 points).

If the sidefairies happen to shoot a single wave at the same time their health is depleted, you can alternatively skip one of the remaining safespot freezes as is done in the old WR

This nonspell route is one of the most important improvements to the old route, scoring up to 1 million more compared to the old WR.

Sunfire "Ice Dissolver"[edit | edit source]

Start shooting Luna to speedkill her. Move down to stream all of the fairies' aimed lasers. When Luna's HP is depleted, move below Star to quickly shoot her down and start dodging icicle bullets below and stream the incoming lasers.

When Star's HP is depleted, there are two approaches to take on Sunny. If your Motivation and PF are more than 985% and 270% respectively once you've finished the spell, you can speedkill Sunny for higher Spell Card Bonus. You can even speedkill this spell from the start without killing the sidefairies.

If your Motivation and PF is less than 985% and 270% respectively or want to play safe, start in a loop of doing a short-length freeze right after Sunny's buzzsaws pass you (as these specifically break your ice) and then another freeze as soon as possible. Do this while sideshooting Sunny. Once the timer goes below 10 seconds, prepare to kill Sunny with frozen bullets, which is the easiest by staying diagonally above Sunny to macro her lasers.

Nonspell 3[edit | edit source]

When not diverging from the intended route, this nonspell will have 2 suicides, 3 bombs, 1 non-damaging freeze and at least 4 full DMG freezes to the main fairy. For this route you should also avoid doing alot of shot damage to any of the three fairies.

You start off with a bomb. When preparing all of these bombs, pay attention to Sunny's shot intervals, as she will shoot two waves in quick succession, then pause for a longer time and then the cycle is repeated. You have to bomb right before the second wave during the short shot interval is being fired. If you think you've timed the bomb slightly late, try to run into the bottom-middle bullet to delete it. Deleted bullets can still be frozen and while being deleted, their velocity is reduced. This is a small optimization to correct the slight mistiming. These bombs can reach up to 84% (744,000 points).

Then do a small non-damaging freeze, by focusing your freeze on hitting the outermost layer of jellybeans as they move behind you. Then use another bomb using the same timing method.

Charge your ice for the next freeze. Release this freeze when the second jellybean wave approaches you. Place the freeze inbetween the first two layers of jellybeans and close enough to Sunny so the next jellybean wave connects with this ice too. After this freeze, suicide by either focusing on a single fireball or ramming yourself into Sunny. Depending on how quickly you suicide, Star's next ring will be deleted by the bullet deletion effect or spawn right after the bullet deletion effect ended. The latter is slightly more optimal but also more risky.

As Cirno respawns, hold Z so she starts charging without shooting any shots. During the post-death invincibility, you can delete Sunny's rings briefly to avoid having to dodge them. Still be mindful of Luna's bullets that are vaguely aimed at you. Do a freeze with the same execution as before and suicide once again.

The next freeze is the same as the previous but without suiciding. From here be careful of the HP of the sidefairies. Ideally you do three more freezes. These freezes should be placed more or less in the same place, but these freezes should have about 40-50% Ice Power to do minimal to no damage to the sidefairies. Ideally when doing these short freezes, at least Star should be kept alove, as her rings allow the short freezes to expand way more than Luna's bullets can. After these three short freezes, do one last bomb at about 9.50s left. For this bomb at least one of the sidefairies should be alive. Their bullets allow for Sunny's new wave during the bomb to properly connect.

After this bomb, depending on how much HP Sunny has left, you can do one or two more full DMG freezes to her. These should be low Ice Power freezes.

Violent Light "Sunburst"[edit | edit source]

When not diverging from the intended route, this nonspell will have 2 suicides, 7 full DMG freezes and 2 non-damaging or minimal DMG freezes to the main fairy.

Right as the nonspell transitions to the spellcard, shoot all three fairies briefly (part of which deals no damage due to the pattern transition) until reaching at least 80% Ice Power. Position yourself being vertically aligned with the top half of the Ice Area text. Dodge the first wave of the sidefairies' jellybeans, freezing them behind you. After releasing the freeze, wait a small fraction of a second and then suicide on the jellybean ring from Sunny.

Hold Z as Cirno respawns and do your next freeze from the same position but this freeze won't have side bullets that pass you first, so instead focus your freeze on the front side of Sunny's jellybeans. After this freeze, move back to the bottom of the screen and shoot all three fairies briefly until reaching (near) 100% Ice Power. Then do the freeze + suicide pattern as the previous one was done. After this freeze you once again do the same freeze as done after the first suicide.

After this there should be three freezes left before the sidefairies' HP is depleted. The first freeze is done by shooting at the bottom, focus the freeze on side bullets moving behind you. The second freeze you try doing shot damage to the main fairy and a side fairy. The freeze can then be placed behind the side bullets, but this can be risky as these side bullets can be hard to go past without dying. You can alternatively freeze the front side of these bullets to avoid the risk of dying. The third freeze is executed like the first freeze of this paragraph. This causes the sidefairies to die and run away. Shoot one of the fairies as they run away to gain some Ice Power.

From here pointblank graze some of the jellybeans Sunny fires and then move to the bottom to dodge the rings. From here if you shoot Sunny a few times from the bottom, you can gain Ice Power at twice the rate than normal. At specific heights sideshooting bosses will gain you Ice Power much quicker. The below visual cue indicates where you should be positioned to shoot Sunny without having an excessive amount of shots hitting Sunny. This shot optimization lets you do freezes every other set of waves.

During this shot and freeze pattern, the first freeze can be done 45 degrees from Sunny while positioned on the outer ring of Sunny's spell circle when it's fully expanded. After this freeze you can't do any more full DMG freezes. The next two freezes should do no damage or minimal damage. Position yourself in front of Sunny while vertically aligned to the bottom half of the Ice Area text. If you release your freeze early, this freeze might still be doing a small amount of damage to Sunny. If you release it late, it will do no damage. The difference in timing can be identified based on the shape of the ice created by the first ring. After these two freezes, the last freeze will be the same damaging freeze as the last.

Nonspell 4[edit | edit source]

When not diverging from the intended route, this nonspell will have 1 suicide, 2 bombs and 7 full DMG freezes. You can use the same 2x Ice Power gain trick from the previous spell as Sunny's position doesn't change. You should still only briefly shoot Sunny this way between freezes to maximize the number of full DMG freezes.

The first freeze should be a relatively short (70-80% Ice Power) freeze that does max damage to Sunny. If doing this freeze, count the number of wave Sunny fires and use a bomb on the 6th wave she fires. This lets some of the curved bullets to be included in the bomb that otherwise would go offscreen (small optimization). After this bomb, dash up-right to the right wall to graze some bullets but also to delete a bullet that otherwise wouldn't get frozen (the area where bullets are frozen is slightly shifted to the left, meaning bullets on the very right side don't get frozen). The next two freezes will be the same freeze + bomb pattern as just described. These bombs can go up to 76% (616,000 points).

The next three freezes should be charged to 100% Ice Power. This is done by shooting Sunny briefly (ideally from the 2x Ice Power spots) and then dodge Sunny's pattern without charging until her sunny aura goes away. This allows you the ability to dodge unfocused when necessarily, as this is one of the hardest patterns to dodge. When Sunny's aura goes away, sideshoot Sunny and charge to release a freeze right away. Repeat this two more times.

The next freeze is identical to the previous three, but this freeze includes a suicide. This suicide is delayed until now so that in case you accidentally die beforehand, you can skip this suicide. It also makes you dodge the least amount of waves while having already lost a life on this nonspell without losing additional score.

After the suicide, release a freeze as soon as the first jellybeans get close to you and then dash to the bullet source to graze during your invincibility frames to gain Ice Power back quickly. The last freeze is done like the previous 100% Ice Power freezes, without the suicide. It's worth noting that all non-bomb freezes on this non barely can't be 30%s.

Team Tech "Fairy Overdrive"[edit | edit source]

This spell will do two main freezes. The first freeze starts by briefly shooting Sunny and Luna and then releasing a freeze with (near) 100% Ice Power, placed around the height between the Ice Power percentage and the Perfect Freeze text and also placed in the right half of the screen, as this deletes bullets that otherwise get in the way when shooting Star for the next freeze. This freeze is timed right before or at the moment the fairies ram the bottom of the screen.

After the freeze explodes you shoot Star as the fairies move up-right to the right wall. Shoot her enough that you'll have at least 30% Ice Power to release a freeze in the spot as shown in the below clip. This freeze should do damage to Star (and if possible Sunny). When the fairies ram the top of the screen, Luna can't be shot as she's positioned too high. This means in this position you should focus your sideshooting on Sunny. It may also be worth having more layers of shot hitting Sunny during this time, as she tends to have a surplus of HP when you want to do the last freeze before the time runs out. This can be done 1-2 times.

Once the sidefairies rammed the top part of the screen once, the same long + short freeze loop repeats itself. From here pay attention to the HP of the sidefairies. Once Star's HP is at around 20% or less when she dashes up-right, shoot her and focus on having the short freeze kill her. Killing the fairies with ice is important as the Frozen Items you get from killing Star, Luna and Sunny here give you 200,000, 160,000 and 80,000 points respectively.

Continue the normal freezing pattern, except shoot Sunny during the time you'd otherwise shoot Star. Once Luna's HP is low enough, you can do the same short length freeze as before. Due to Luna's positioning however, it's difficult to have this freeze do damage to her. You can skip the 100% Ice Power freeze before it and place the Luna-killing freeze differently to be more sure she dies from the ice (refer to the Sum of Best video).

From here Sunny will do one more full rotation from the top once the timer is at 12s. From this point try to bring Sunny's HP as low as possible and wait with freezing until she comes back around to the top middle where you'll be doing your last freeze so that the new bullets appearing from Sunny ramming the top get immediately frozen before they can turn into fireballs. These can do additional ice damage.

"Three Fairies"[edit | edit source]

Between this and the previous spell there's a considerable delay. Use this opportunity to shoot two fairies simultaneous, allowing to gain up to 5% Motivation. During this final spell, the sidefairies have more HP than the main fairy. This means the sidefairies must take significantly more shot damage in order for them to die before the main fairy does.

The first seven freezes are done by safespotting inbetween the three fairies and releasing the freeze right as the bullets are allowed to move away from Sunny. As the ice is going off, press Z 5 times to do a specific amount of damage to the sidefairies as the phase change is determined by the total damage done to all fairies. Ideally the 5 Z-presses are delayed slightly so the 5th Z-press is done when the ice has exploded, as this gives you more Ice Power so the next freeze can more easily be done at 100% Power, but this isn't strictly necessary. If your PF starting this spell is around 235-245%, you should delay each of these freezes slightly, as this slightly increases the size of the freezes from 7% to 8-9%. This slightly increases the PF gained that can make the difference between being able to do all three bombs or not.

After the first seven freezes, the next phase should begin where Sunny starts turning rice bullets into fireballs. From here, do a (close to) 100% Ice Power freeze to skip the fireball wave. Then do two 50% Ice Power freezes (or a cumulative of 100% Ice Power). This times your next freeze well to skip the next fireball phase.

Do two more 50% Ice Power freezes, after which the rage phase begins. From here, do a 100% Ice Power freeze to skip the fireball wave and focus all of your shot damage on Star. Move back to the original safespot and do another full length freeze as soon as possible and focus all shot damage on Luna.

After this freeze, move all the way down and continue to shoot Luna, but without doing any damage to Sunny. Now you will be spending your three bombs. These bombs can be worth up to 98% (968,000 points). Time each bomb 0 to 0.5 seconds after the bullets start turning into fireballs to maximize the screen coverage. After the first bomb, focus your shot damage to Star and then release the second bomb. After this bomb, move the shot damage back to Luna. Be mindful to not do enough damage to where Luna dies from the third bomb - she needs to barely survive this bomb.

Inbetween each bomb, you can do a small freeze to gain a tiny amount of PF that might be vitally needed depending on your current PF. This ice should however be released as soon as possible and (near) the bottom of the screen, as this freeze really cannot do any damage to Sunny.

After the third bomb, once again focus damage onto Star but don't kill her. Due to the spellcard text, the last bits of her health bar are difficult to see. If the exact point of her health bar starts being obscured by the text, she will be at minimal HP and should no longer be shot. Now do one final freeze that should kill both sidefairies, giving you 320,000 points worth of Frozen Items. If the spell is executed correctly, Sunny should survive. If she doesn't survive, the game softlocks. If Sunny survives, dodge the remaining fireballs and sideshoot Sunny with as few shots as possible. This gives around 1,000 extra points worth of tick points. It may also give you the final amounts of Motivation to reach 1000% if needed.