Touhou 17: Wily Beast and Weakest Creature/Kutaka Niwatari
Scoring Preamble[edit | edit source]
Kutaka is a major threat in scoring credits, as such strategies will vary drastically based on skill level. We can try to discuss what is commonly done starting from low level up to high level. Low level scoring will usually see players hyper non spells and bomb spells. Non-spells are filled with bullets, spells not so much (especially 2 and 3). On most routes this results in a massive number of fish consumptions during the non spells, which is obviously suboptimal, but completely fine because working with those is going to make Kutaka challenging. There is no need to worry about exact token numbers because of this. High level scoring will see players hyper everything except final. Most routes that do this would follow an optimal token route entering Kutaka, meaning they have 3/4 extra fish tokens to consume on non spells. There exists a route that hypers final as well, but as of 2024, it is drastically harder for very little PIV gain. There exist routes that can suicide on Kutaka to restock bombs for stage 4. Some low level routes suicide in both stage 2 and 3 (major bomb struggles). When one wants to do only one suicide, they should make the decision considering the following: Stage 2 suicide, pros: easier stage 1 (can 4 bomb), the extra tokens contribute to more PIV in stage 2 compared to stage 3 Stage 3 suicide, pros: can make Kutaka much easier thanks to bonus beast tokens, as well as neutralizing a possible hyper break. All routes should enter stage 4 with an otter hyper activate, stage 4 starts with a dense streaming section
Non-Spell #1[edit | edit source]
Survival[edit | edit source]
Scoring[edit | edit source]
Optimal otters: 5 This non alternates dense waves of red and yellow rice with waves of fast moving white bullets. From this point on ward, We shall refer to the pause in between red and yellow waves as just "pause". Main focus for surviving should be to try to hold the otter spirtis on top of Kutaka during white bullet waves, to spawn cancel before they have a chance to spread. focused counterspin can help with this if performed correctly (refer to video on stage 3 midboss)
Spell #1[edit | edit source]
Survival[edit | edit source]
Scoring[edit | edit source]
Non-Spell #2[edit | edit source]
Survival[edit | edit source]
Scoring[edit | edit source]
Spell #2[edit | edit source]
Survival[edit | edit source]
Scoring[edit | edit source]
Spell #3[edit | edit source]
Survival[edit | edit source]
Scoring[edit | edit source]