Touhou 17: Wily Beast and Weakest Creature/Urumi Ushizaki
Scoring Preamble[edit | edit source]
all routes should enter Urumi with ether 10 or 12 tokens, with 0 in token bar. 10 = 4 hyper urumi, with 1 consumption 12 = 5 hyper urumi, 0 consumptions Number of otters on each pattern will likely vary, the optimal otter spread are very minor optimization, the main focus should be on getting at least 4 otters on all patterns, except spell 1 and 2, which can be a 3 otter (usually better when doing 12 token route) Stage 3 entry should be 2 or 3 otters, this depends on how many hypers the players wants to do in stage 3. If one does 2 token entry, the extra left over token can be consumed during final spell
Non-Spell #1[edit | edit source]
Survival[edit | edit source]
Scoring[edit | edit source]
Optimal otters: 5 Start hyper as soon as Urumi starts shooting, place otters on top of urumi. Note that Urumi fires Orbs during this non, said orbs can occasionally escape the otter spirits, be mindful. If the player only shoots when Urumi shots, and if the players moves away when she isn't shooting, the hyper is extended for as long as possible. This way, a 5 otter cancels 6 waves, 4 otter cancels 5. When timed like this, the hyper ends right after it finishes cancelling a wave, thsi guarantees having a clean screen for as long as possible, to collect tokens before going for the cancel, the more tokens, the easier the transition. Optimal cancel timing is when there are 2 waves of bullets on screen, with the second one spawning right before the kill. Timed kill for token collection takes priority over good cancel.
Spell #1[edit | edit source]
Survival[edit | edit source]
Scoring[edit | edit source]
Optimal Otters: 4 Start hyper as soon as possible (preferebly not earlier than the first set of bullets). Place otters on top of Urumi, be mindful that the orbs easily escape the otter spirits. From here there are 2 different things one can do. 1 The first strat is to just timeout the hyper on spell 1, bring her to low hp asap and time down. With a 4 otter hyper, this should cancel a total of 3 full waves, then just cancel preferebly as late as possible, tokens for transition take priority. 2 Alternatively the more optimal strategy is to speedkill the spell, and carry over the hyper into 2nd non, doing this lets the player shoot down Urumi during the transition, where she has no hp bar, and can generate PiV for free. If the hyper was a 4 otter, it should carry for long enough to cancel the first non 2 wave, after this one tries to start non 2 hyper asap. All of this is optimal by about just 500 PiV over method 1, and is harder, not recommended.
Non-Spell #2[edit | edit source]
Survival[edit | edit source]
Scoring[edit | edit source]
Optimal Otters: 5 Start the hyper right when she first starts shooting a new wave (usually done on 2nd wave). This is where the route will differ a bit depending on tokens entering the Urumi fight. Let's distinguish 10 and 12 token entry: With 10 tokens, the route plans to carry the hyper into 2nd spell, at any point during the hyper consume a fish token. Never stop shooting for the whole hyper, PiV from shoot is the optimization plan here, if hyper activation is timed well on 2nd non, it should result on 3 wave cancelled on the non, with the last one finishing getting cancelled as soon as urumi tranistions into 2nd spell. With 12 tokens, hyper non 2 and play like in non 1, move away when she isn't shooting and only shoot when she is shooting. When hyper timesdown, cancel preferebly as late as possible, tokens for transition take priority.
Spell #2[edit | edit source]
Survival[edit | edit source]
Scoring[edit | edit source]
Nothing special happens here, depending on which token route was used, the spell will either start with an hyper already active, or an hyper will be activated here (optimally 3). Timedown hyper, bring her low, cancel waiting for good tokens for transition.
Spell #3[edit | edit source]
Survival[edit | edit source]
Scoring[edit | edit source]
Optimal otters: 4 Nothing special, start hyper when second wave starts shooting, shootdown without moving away until low hp. Cancel the spell with 2-3 waves on screen. If the player did 10 token route, but managed to spawn an extra point token into Infinite fairy section, this is where the token would be consumed to cancel an extra wave. If the players plans for a 2 token entry in stage 3, they should instead go for a 5 otter, and consume the last fish token that should be left on screen.