Touhou 6: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil/Stage 1

From The Danmaku Gameplay Wiki

First Half[edit | edit source]

Move around the screen to shoot fairies and collect power. Since every bullet is aimed, you generally won't get hit if you keep moving, though at Lunatic the bullets might get too dense if you aren't focusing on speedkilling, as on Lunatic only, blue fairies shoot a singlee pellet at you on top of the red bullets shot by red fairies. End this section at the right to prepare for the Mid-Boss.

Mid-Boss Non[edit | edit source]

Rumia shooots 4 patterns in fixed order, while moving right, middle, left, middle, right:

  • Blue ring of bullets with 16 curved arms; on 2nd cycle this is immediately followed with a red one somewhat to the side. As this pattern simply increases length of arms as difficulty goes up, it leaves huge gaps between each arm even on Lunatic.
  • Ring made out of pellets; unlike previous pattern, this increases amount of arms on higher difficulties rather than their length, decreasing the space between each arm.
  • Green ring followed by yellow ring. This is similar to first pattern.
  • Various waves of bullets spread outwards; this has places which aren't accounted for by any bullet and can be stood in (though might be less clear on lower difficulties, where the attack is far less dense and doesn't form the waves clearly).

The tactic simply following Rumia to shoot her down. Note that due to the timer, she will be able to only fire two cycles of this attack.

Mid-Boss Spell (Hard/Lunatic)[edit | edit source]

Rumia shoots aimed pellet rings, and 2 lasers that close into an arc right under her, with her ring fire rate being higher on Lunatic. Stay under Rumia and tap-dodge the aimed rings.

Second Half[edit | edit source]

Similar to first half. If the bullets become too dense, you can stay in the bottom left or right corner of the screen and tap dodge the aimed bullets, but make sure to collect the Big Power Item if it appears. You should aim to hit at least 50 power by the boss.