Touhou 8: Imperishable Night/Kaguya Houraisan

From The Danmaku Gameplay Wiki

IN S6B Boss.

Work In Progress

Non-Spell #1[edit | edit source]

(WIP) For Non 1, you want to guide Kaguya towards one side of the screen and stream the aimed Jellybeans and move in the opposite direction. Stay under Kaguya as much as possible.

There is some delay on when Kaguya fires the aimed Jellybeans vs when she actually fires them, so if you need to restream prioritize dodging the rice first

Spell Card #1 | Divine Treasure 「Brilliant Dragon Barrette」[edit | edit source]

(WIP) Kaguya Fires a fixed barrage of lasers while firing a barrage of rainbow balls at alternating heights.

The key to learning this spell is to understand first and foremost that the lasers are aimed at the player. The next thing is that you need to stay close to the area you were at when the lasers fired. The reason for this is that at the bottom of the screen, where the player was is a safe spot from the lasers and two vertical pockets. The best way to do this spell is to read the incoming rainbow balls and pick one of the two vertical pockets you will have the easiest time dodging the incoming balls, as your dodging space as shown:

Notice the crossed lasers above the shot and the lanes to the left and right of it.

The next thing is your choice of where you want to be while dodging. Dodging on the left or right side of the screen like in the picture above and deal damage as she moves above you. This is the safest way to dodge this spell since the density of the rainbow balls is reduced once they reach you. The only downside is that you also open yourself up the movement bug where Kaguya will be unable to move twice (and stay above you) in one direction and move back towards the center compromising your damage and forcing you to either wait for her to start moving correctly again or move back towards the center. Dodging in the center at the bottom is a valid approach. It prevents the movement bug, but you may have to dodge denser waves of rainbow balls. As long as you understand how the lasers work, whichever method you choose is down to preference.

Non-Spell #2[edit | edit source]


If you don't know what you are doing this non is impossible. The first thing you need to know is that this pattern rotates starting at a position that is dependent upon where you are located, thus if you start in the bottom center, you will have to dodge impossible barrages. Instead, you want to be in one of the top corners of the screen. This will make the non much more bearable. Naturally, these familiars are breakable so the more of these that you break, the easier this non will be. 

This corner, or the opposite one is where you want to be.

Spell Card #2 | Divine Treasure 「Buddhist Diamond」[edit | edit source]


Non-Spell #3[edit | edit source]


Spell Card #3 | Divine Treasure 「Salamander Shield」[edit | edit source]


Non-Spell #4[edit | edit source]


Spell Card #4 | Divine Treasure 「Life Spring Infinity」[edit | edit source]

alex alex

Spell Card #5 | Divine Treasure 「Jeweled Branch of Hourai -Dreamlike Paradise-」[edit | edit source]

Nome's Yellow Ball strategy for Hourai Jewel

Last Spell #1 | 「End of Imperishable Night -Matsuyoi-」[edit | edit source]


Last Spell #2 | 「End of Imperishable Night -Half Past Midnight-」[edit | edit source]


Last Spell #3 | 「End of Imperishable Night -Half Past 2-」[edit | edit source]

Kaguya's third Last Spell. The recommended method to capture is to start on the right side of Kaguya and spin around her counterclockwise by only moving through the red lanes, ending the spell card on her left. This way, you avoid being underneath Kaguya, which is scary. The bullets are quite fast, but it is possible to cross through them by primarily focusing your vision on the red lanes; once you 'tune in' to a red lane, you simply have to wait for the right gap to present itself and, when comfortable, dash through the gap. You don't have very much time to do this, as the blue lanes will quickly push you counterclockwise and force you to make decisions. While focusing your reading solely on the red lanes, you may notice that you completely lose track of where the blue lanes are (this phenomenon is similar to the famous selective attention test). Thus, you will have to learn to subconsciously intuit the positions of the blue lanes. This is a skill that comes with practice and will be necessary for higher-level play, especially scoreplay. Thankfully, the gaps themselves are fairly big. Demonstration of the technique:

Last Spell #4 | 「End of Imperishable Night -Half Past 4-」[edit | edit source]


Last Spell #5 | 「End of Imperishable Night -Rising World-」[edit | edit source]
