Touhou 12: Undefined Fantastic Object/Shou Toramaru

From The Danmaku Gameplay Wiki

Non-Spell #1[edit | edit source]

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When it comes to odd-numbered attacks, I feel like it's better to avoid it by moving to the left of the laser going from left to right. When it comes to even-numbered attacks, I feels like it's better to avoid it by moving to the right of the laser going from right to left. I was wondering whether to choose between the first method of stopping the shot and focusing on dodging when the laser approaches, or continuing to shoot and dodge. In the end, I think the correct answer is to avoid while shooting. Because killing quickly is ultimately better. But don't focus on hitting the shot. The important thing is to avoid it. Focus on avoiding it.

Spell Card #1 | Jeweled Pagoda「Radiant Treasure」[edit | edit source]

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First Strategy[edit | edit source]

Speedkill strategy.

It moves in the following order: center-left-center-right.

The important thing is to wait until the end and deal damage when you are in the center.

I do not recommend avoiding it by pressing the down key when on the left and sticking to the bottom. If you do that you will be crushed by the danmaku.

Avoid by looking upward. I recommend that the x-axis be closer to the right yellow laser than to the left yellow laser. (You can do more damage if you attach it to the left, but I judged it to be more dangerous.)

Then it comes back to the center, but dodging from the left side of the Shou can result in bullets coming at you all at once, so I recommend going to the right side.

And keep adding damage in the center until you think it's the limit. If you do good damage, then Shou will be defeated without having to go to the right.

On the right, dodge in the same way as on the left.


Second Strategy[edit | edit source]

This is a slow and sure way to avoid it.

It moves in the following order: center-right-center-right.

Non-Spell #2[edit | edit source]

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First Strategy[edit | edit source]

Avoid the first and second attacks in that order: right laser, left laser, and mentos.

Look at the laser on the right and avoid it, and don't move carelessly after that.

When you feel like you are definitely going to die, then avoid it.

Sticking to the bottom may also be a good idea.

Second Strategy[edit | edit source]

SOC's strat: [2]

This is a strategy to avoid the third laser from the side.

Spell Card #2 | Light Sign「Aura of Justice」[edit | edit source]

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If FS is not your target, stick to the wall to avoid it.

Non-Spell #3[edit | edit source]

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Starting on Hard, the lasers are shot in such a way that it is possible to avoid this attack completely simply by spinning around Shou. On Hard, the waves do overlap in a way that necessitates a pause at certain timings during your spin, but this is significantly easier than dodging at the bottom. Be careful that you are not below Shou when you end the non-spell, since as soon as the third spell is declared, she will make a bee-line for the center of the screen and may ram you if you are careless (called a Shou kick).

For the 3rd Non-Spell, start at the bottom of Shou and turn counter-clockwise. All you have to do is rotate as close to the outer laser as possible. If you turn inward, there is a risk of collision when Shou moves. When the 3rd Spell starts, Shou runs towards the center, so you may get into a car accident with Shou. Therefore, you need to carefully control the timing of your defeat. Do not defeat Shou when she is in the center. [3]

Spell Card #3 | Buddha's Light「Vajra of Perfect Buddhism」[edit | edit source]

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First Strategy[edit | edit source]

At first, inflict as much damage to Shou as possible, like a Doppler effect.

Please guide the laser in the following order: 2:00 - 12:00 - 7:00 - 5:00.

You have to guide it toward the center, so it will feel like it rotates slowly, so try to guide it toward the center as much as possible.

You can guide it like that at 2:00 and 12:00, but you don't have to think much about 5:00. Anyway, you have to go from 9:00 to 6:00 as quickly as possible to inflict damage, but at this time, you are naturally guided towards 5:00. Just be careful as long as it doesn't guide the bottom.

And at 6:00, inflict as much damage to Shou as possible, and guide laser at 7:00.

On the second lap, you should feel like you are following the laser in front.

Second Strategy[edit | edit source]

You can also do 3 laps.

Spell Card #4 |「Complete Clarification」[edit | edit source]

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