Touhou 15: Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom/Junko/Sp3
"Primordial Divine Spirit World" Bottomhug Capture - Normal Mode[edit | edit source]
This is a recommended method to capture this spell. It is recommended to use Reimu for this spell, for a smaller hitbox. At 4 power, you will be able to capture the spell after dodging only 2 waves in the center, and risk 1 or 2 spawnkill opportunities. If incredibly unlucky, you will risk 3. However, note that spawnkills or unavoidable Red configurations are simply an issue of skill, and you should be ashamed that you got unlucky.
The overall strategy for this spell is as follows. On odd waves, it is easy to dodge on the right side, and on even waves, it is easy to dodge on the left side. However, when bottomhugging, you will not be able to change sides on every wave. Furthermore, you also do very limited damage to Junko while staying on a side. Thus, the ideal spell capture involves dodging the odd waves in the center and the even waves on the left.
Wave 1[edit | edit source]
On Wave 1 and future odd waves, the initial density is often high just to the right of spawn. It's advisable to avoid that area to the right unless absolutely necessary. However, venturing quite far left is acceptable. Use your unfocused shot to damage Junko if you are not in the middle. Despite this, being on the left beyond the Blues isn't usually safe to dodge the Purple bullets unless deemed so after careful consideration. It's generally prudent to return to the middle for both safety and DPS, then assess whether to exit left, right, or remain centered. Usually the middle has lower density in the middle of a wave, because of the opening in the center of the screen when bullets spawn. If feasible, favor exiting left.
When dodging, do not take bullets for granted. They may overlap each other, so be ready to dodge at any moment. Furthermore, use your unfocused speed to dodge otherwise unavoidable walls, by dashing to the left or right of them. These unfocused dashes are relatively common when you attempt this spell.
Wave 2[edit | edit source]
If you exited Wave 1 from the left, start Wave 2 just to the right of the left corner, just to the left of the Yellows that passed by. Then, stay on the left. Try to remain unfocused to damage Junko with homing amulets. The dodging will be a lot easier.
If you exited Wave 1 from the middle or right, travel to the center. Wave 2 will essentially be a mirrored version of Wave 1. This time, favor exiting right.
If you exited Wave 1 while the hitbox of a bullet was judged to have collided with the hitbox of the player, causing a death, press escape then r to restart.
Wave 3[edit | edit source]
If you dodged Wave 2 in the left, and you dealt significant (near 50% of her HP around Wave 2 spawn timing), travel to the very left corner. Unfocus for DPS and try travel to the center after Reds spawn, and dodge Wave 3 the same way you would dodge Wave 1. This allows you to avoid a second spawnkill opportunity. Otherwise, if you did not deal significant damage, travel to the center and dodge dodge Wave 3 the same way you would dodge Wave 1.
If you dodged Wave 2 in the center but exited right, dodge Wave 3 on the right in a similar fashion to Wave 2 on the left.
If you dodged Wave 2 in the center but was unable to exit to the right, assess Junko's HP. If you judge it to be low enough, travel to the right corner and use unfocused amulets to kill before you have to dodge the wave. You may also briefly travel to the center and back to the corner, with unfocused speed, to slightly damage Junko with the main shot as well. Otherwise, travel to the center and stay there, if Junko has a substantial amount of HP remaining. You will shootdown on this wave, but will risk a 3rd spawnkill opportunity.
If you dodged Wave 2's areas where there are no bullets present by colliding with a bullet, causing a death, press escape then r to restart.
Wave 4[edit | edit source]
If you exited Wave 3 from the left, dodge Wave 4 the same way you dodged Wave 2.
If you exited Wave 3 from the middle or right, assess Junko's HP. If you judge it to be low enough, travel to the right corner and use unfocused amulets to kill before you have to dodge the wave. Otherwise, travel to the center. You will shootdown on this wave, but will risk a 3rd spawnkill opportunity.
If you exited Wave 3 while the hitbox of a bullet was judged to have collided with the hitbox of the player, causing a death, press escape then r to restart.
Wave 5[edit | edit source]
If you are here, then that means you dodged Wave 4 on the left. Assess Junko's HP. If you judge it to be low enough, stay in the left corner and use unfocused amulets to kill before you have to dodge the wave. You may also briefly travel to the center and back to the corner, with unfocused speed, to slightly damage Junko with the main shot as well. Otherwise, travel to the center and stay there, if Junko has a substantial amount of HP remaining. You will shootdown on this wave, but will risk a 3rd spawnkill opportunity.
If you dodged Wave 4's areas where there are no bullets present by colliding with a bullet, causing a death, press escape then r to restart.