Touhou 6: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil/Remilia Scarlet
Non-Spell #1[edit | edit source]
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Spellcard #1 | God's Punishment「Young Demon Lord」[edit | edit source]
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Non-Spell #2[edit | edit source]
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Spellcard #2 | Hell Sign「Mountain of a Thousand Needles」[edit | edit source]
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Non-Spell #3[edit | edit source]
Remilia throws daggers clockwise and repeats the same but counterclockwise. The initial position from which she throws the daggers is random. The strategy to use is bottomhug and look up to see where to position yourself. Once positioned, do not move from the spot.
Note: It is recommended not to POC to grab the items, because Remilia starts attacking very fast. You can prepare for the POC based on her position after the 2nd Spell Card ends, so you can guess where she is going to move after the 1st wave.
Spellcard #3 | Divine Art「Vampire Illusion」[edit | edit source]
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Non-Spell #4[edit | edit source]
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Spellcard #4 | Scarlet Sign「Scarlet Meister」[edit | edit source]
This spell card is fired in waves which are further split into two parts. The first part of the waves has a long line of bubbles aimed at you (Remilia moves after this) after which Remilia rotates it clockwise. Then, after a short delay (Remilia moves here) she fires a smaller line of bubbles aimed at you before rotating the pattern anti-clockwise this time. After a long delay, she goes back to repeating this pattern. Remilia also fires mentos and small orb bullets toward you trailing the bubbles, however, these bullets have a large amount of variance, and are the real threat of this spell card.
Remilia's movement is completely random, with a fixed distance she covers with every movement. This alongside the dense rng mentos and orbs is what makes it a difficult spell.
This guide is for Reimu as she has a more intricate method of dodging this spell due to her limited movement speed. Marisa players can use this too, but because Marisa is faster she doesn't have the limitations of gap choices that Reimu faces. Anyway, there are two ways to begin dodging the spell card, one with a anti-clockwise spin, which avoids misdirecting the line of bubbles and instead sends then off screen.
And the normal misdirect (The recommended method because the timing for the former is a little strict and there is a lot of rng involved), which doesn't completely guarantee safety, but is easier to perform than the spin strat and is generally more consistent.
But this is where the spell card truly begins. This spell card is generally a spell that requires quite a bit of experience and aggressive dodging. After you either misdirect or spin around Remilia (I will assume you are using the misdirection strat as the way of dodging the first wave changes depending on which one you do but the rest of the waves are the same), you have to duck in a bubble gap and dodge the remnants. I number them from the first bubble from the left being 1, the second being 2 and so on (The counting happens from the right on the even waves). If Remilia moves to the left or the right, as you long as you misdirect, you can enter the 2nd gap (aka the gap to the right of bubble no.2, left in case of the other wave).
The second wave is the tricky part, as you move to the left while dealing with a minefield of orbs and mentos and there are two cases unlike the first wave. If Remilia moves to the left, you have to gamble and enter the 1st gap (aka the gap to the left of bubble no.1) because Reimu CANNOT make it to the 2nd gap unless you are nearly perfect in your movement to the left. If Remilia moves to the right instead, take the 2nd gap ideally, and if you can, you can go for the 3rd gap too if the angle isn't extreme. In the latter case, usually you have to dodge this wave with diagonal bullets which is a little uncomfortable but you can get used to it.
The transition from the 2nd wave to the repeat 1st wave is also tricky, as sometimes there are more leftover bullets than other times. You ideally want to go as left as you can before Remilia starts firing and quickly switch side to go to the right. Here, if Remilia moves left, you can go for the 2nd or 3rd gap. But if Remilia goes to the right or is dangerously close to the right side of the screen, never go for the 2nd gap and instead take on the 1st gap.
Then you just rinse and repeat till Remilia dies or the timer runs out, as she can give you movement rng where you cannot shoot her down if you play safe, and you SHOULD play safe over dying because you were greeding for damage.
The worst rng you can get in this spell is when Remilia sticks to one side of the screen and refuses to move horizontally. Another bad case scenario is if she stays low because the bullets can clump up and force you to micrododge quick bullets very precisely. This is very difficult to achieve especially when the spell card requires you to move all over the screen.
Note: Once this spell card ends, there is a small period where Remilia takes non spell damage for the next spell card before it starts. This can cut down the next spell's duration by about 25% if done optimally, so if you beat this spell with Remilia under you make sure to get that damage in to make the next spell a bit easier for yourself.
Spellcard #5 |「Scarlet Gensokyo」[edit | edit source]
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