Touhou 7: Perfect Cherry Blossom/Stage 1

From The Danmaku Gameplay Wiki

First Half[edit | edit source]

A simple section, consisting of: 4 waves of fairies alternating from upper corners, sparsely distributed fairies from top, 5 waves of enemies from high up on the side, densely distributed fairies from top and then final 3 waves of fairies. Outside of Lunatic, most of these enemies don't fire anything towards the player, so dodging the few bullets is straightforward (and even on Lunatic it isn't particularly dense).

Mid-Boss Non[edit | edit source]

Cirno fires 4 patterns in this order:

  • Lanes of bullets diagonally, combined with arrowheads that spiral outwards.
  • Lanes of bullets diagonally, combined with rings of bullets
  • Rings of ice while also moving, causing them to curve a bit
  • Lanes of bullets diagonally, combine with clumps of rice

None are particularly threatening, leaving noticeable gaps even on Lunatic.

Mid-Spell (Hard/Lunatic)[edit | edit source]

Cirno fires vertical lines of ice shards at various downwards angles, which then multiply. The cloned bullets are much faster than the original ones, though this only matters on Lunatic, as on Hard none of the cloned bullets are aimed towards bottom. Each line is also accompanied by a small, horizontal clump of bullets.

This is a relatively simple Spell Card, where you simply need to stay low and keep track of where of where Cirno is currently firing, attacking her until she is defeated; though on Lunatic you also have to mind the extra bullets that will get in way of following Cirno.

Second Half[edit | edit source]

A very simple section, with enemies spawning from right to left and then back, forming diagonal lines, which are interrupted few times by fairies shooting sparse rings.

Note that unlike most Touhou games, it is possible to hit max power around this point by collecting enough power items from defeated enemies (though it is not necessary, as it is much easier to do so on Stage 2).