
From The Danmaku Gameplay Wiki

I'm KirbyComment (also known as KC or Kirbs). I have started playing Touhou since July 2013 and have gotten myself rather obsessed with it. Over the years I've particularly taken an interest in the scoring in the games. Currently I score the PC-98 games. I have so far scored Story of Eastern Wonderland, Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream and Lotus Land Story. I currently hold the World Record in Story of Eastern Wonderland on Easy, Normal, Hard and Extra, Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream on all difficulties, in Lotus Land Story on the difficulties Easy, Normal, Hard and Extra and in Mystic Square on Easy and Normal. I post the scores on the leaderboards in the MoTK Forums. I have also started scoring scenes in Double Spoiler in 2017 and Shoot the Bullet in 2020. In both games I grind scenes from time to time and I hold some records in some of the categories.

I have a Twitch account and I primairly stream Touhou on my channel. I usually stream Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream, Shoot the Bullet or Double Spoiler scoring and sometimes I do some survival runs. Aside from streaming Touhou, I occasionally focus on speedrunning some games. These are pretty much all non-Touhou games, but I have done a few All Scenes runs of Impossible Spell Card. Such runs are no longer part of my main activity however.

Aside from my own Twitch channel, I also streamed on the LunaticNeckBeards channel. This channel goes live every Sunday at 7 PM to 10 PM GMT and several players will play a random game on Lunatic with a random shottype. This channel started in late March 2016 but went down after the broadcast of December 11th 2016. Together with chum I've also organized Shoot the Spoiler. A competition where players score 10 different scenes that were voted on, after which the results got streamed. I also regularly submit my achievements to the Touhou Replay Showcase channel, occasionally providing live commentary to my runs.

Survival Clears[edit | edit source]

  • Highly Responsive to Prayers

  • Story of Eastern Wonderland

  • Phantamagoria of Dimensional Dream

  • Lotus Land Story

  • Mystic Square

  • Embodiment of Scarlet Devil

  • Perfect Cherry Blossom

  • Imperishable Night
  • Lunatic 1cc
  • Extra Clear

  • Phantasmagoria of Flower View

  • Mountain of Faith

  • Subterrenean Animism

  • Undefined Fantastic Object

  • Great Fairy Wars

  • Ten Desires

  • Double Dealing Character
  • Lunatic 1cc
  • Extra No Miss Clear

  • Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom

  • Hidden Star in Four Seasons

  • Wily Beast and Weakest Creature

  • Unconnected Marketeers

  • Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghost

Misc Clears[edit | edit source]

  • Lotus Land Story
  • Lunatic No Miss No Bomb Clear (Demo)

  • Perfect Cherry Blossom

  • Mountain of Faith

  • Subterranean Animism

  • Hidden Star of Four Seasons

  • Wily Beast and Weakest Creature

  • Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghost

Non-Touhou Clears[edit | edit source]

  • Armed Police Batrider

  • Espgaluda

  • Torte Le Magic
  1. This was done during the scoring competition La Calice Cup 4 - Arcade Variety. This first 1cc scored 12,787,100 which ranked 3rd on the individual leaderboard.

Notable Scores[edit | edit source]

  • Highly Responsive to Prayers

  • Story of Eastern Wonderland

  • Phantasmagoria of Dimensional Dream

  • Lotus Land Story

  • Mystic Square

Misc Scores[edit | edit source]

  • Highly Responsive to Prayers
  • Normal Makai 8,825,440

  • Mystic Square

  • Embodiment of Scarlet Devil

  • Perfect Cherry Blossom

  • Imperishable Night

  • Mountain of Faith

  • Subterrenean Animism

  • Great Fairy Wars

  • Double Dealing Character

  • Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
  • Normal Reimu 1,003,912,110
  • Lunatic Reisen 1,183,847,110

  • Hidden Star in Four Seasons

  • Wily Beast and Weakest Creature

Tool Assisted Runs[edit | edit source]

  • Highly Responsive to Prayers

  • Lotus Land Story

  • Mystic Square

  • Perfect Cherry Blossom

  • Shoot the Bullet

  • Double Spoiler

  • Great Fairy Wars

Competition Participations[edit | edit source]

External Links[edit | edit source]